cc: Decoding Types


Update #1 on: 23rd September, 2023.

This post demonstrates a method to decode the Declarations and TypeNames found in the C language, into a list of types, or a type-list. The method is similar to that used in converting expressions in infix notation into a corresponding postfix notation.

Rules of Precedence:

The precedence of * is lower than that of [] or (). The latter two have the same precedence, but only [] can occur more than once at the same level without an intervening pair of parentheses, and they are scanned in a left-to-right manner (i.e. [] is left-associative in relation to itself).

Constructs such as ()[], ()(), or [](), though grammatically allowed, violate the semantic rules of the language.

All these three possibilities are semantically prohibited by the C standard.

Note that the punctuator * is right-associative in relation to itself, and that the precedence-ordering punctuator ( is also right-associative in relation to itself.

Rules for Extraneous Parentheses:

A pair of parentheses that is used for precedence-ordering (and therefore is not considered an enclosure for the parameter-list of a function-type) is necessary only if both of the following conditions are satisfied:

  1. A punctuator * follows the opening punctuator (.

  2. A punctuator [ or ( follows the closing punctuator ).

If at least one of the conditions is violated, the corresponding pair of precedence-ordering parentheses is extraneous and therefore not required.

The stack-based method described here doesn’t need to perform any special steps to handle extraneous pairs; the precedence rules and the algorithm handle them automatically.

Rules for Typedef:

Handling typedef’d types is a straightforward splicing of type-lists. The DeclarationSpecifiers will house the TypedefName instead of a builtin-type. The type-list of final target (after recursively resolving inner TypedefNames) of the TypedefName is appended to the type-list of the Declarator to generate a complete type-list.

Example #1:

This example is from the section 5.12 Complicated Declarations in the 2nd edition of the text The C Programming Language by Kernighan and Ritchie.

    char (*(*x[3])())[5]

The TypeSpecifier char belongs to DeclarationSpecifiers. The rest of the declaration belongs to Declarator. The scanning of the Declarator is as described below.

Create an operator-stack that is initially empty. Create an output-list, also initially empty, that will store the Identifier and punctuators that make up the Declarator. The Identifier of a Declarator will also be the first element in the output-list.

When scanning a Declarator, any (, found in the input after the Identifier has been moved into the output-list, is considered as representing the beginning of the declaration of a function-type. The declarations of the parameters of a function-type are scanned recursively, in the same manner, on per-parameter private stacks.

The starting state for this example:

             input: char (*(*x[3])())[5]
    operator-stack: (Note: The top of the stack is at its right-most end.)

Step #1.01:

Move char into DeclarationSpecifiers. The rest of the input is a part of the Declarator.

             input: (*(*x[3])())[5]

Step #1.02:

A punctuator ( is found next. It is a precedence-ordering left-parenthesis, and not the one that begins the parameter-list of a function-type. The latter is found only after the Identifier has been moved into the output-list. Push the punctuator ( on to the operator-stack.

             input: *(*x[3])())[5]
    operator-stack: (

Step #1.03:

A punctuator * is found next. Since the top of the operator-stack contains a precedence-ordering punctuator (, the punctuator * must be directly pushed on to the operator-stack.

             input: (*x[3])())[5]
    operator-stack: ( *

Step #1.04:

A punctuator ( is found next. It too is a precedence-ordering punctuator (; therefore, push it on to the operator-stack.

             input: *x[3])())[5]
    operator-stack: ( * (

Step #1.05:

A punctuator * is found next. Similar process as shown in Step #1.03.

             input: x[3])())[5]
    operator-stack: ( * ( *

Step #1.06:

An Identifier x is found next. Place it at the beginning of the currently empty output-list. Any punctuator ( found later will be treated as the beginning of the parameter-list of a function-type, and not as a precedence-ordering punctuator (.

             input: [3])())[5]
       output-list: x
    operator-stack: ( * ( *

Step #1.07:

A punctuator [ is found next. It’s precedence is higher than that of the punctuator * found on the top of the operator-stack. Since the punctuator [ begins an array-type, scan the constructs between it and the corresponding closing punctuator ]; in this example it is just a number 3. Hence, this declares an array[3].

             input: )())[5]
       output-list: x array[3]
    operator-stack: ( * ( *

Step #1.08:

A punctuator ) is found next. This signals that one must pop the operator-stack and move the elements found on it into the output-list, until a ( is popped. Then, both the punctuators, ( and ), are discarded.

             input: ())[5]
       output-list: x array[3] *
    operator-stack: ( *

Step #1.09:

A punctuator ( is found next. Since the Identifier of the Declarator has already been moved into the output-list (i.e. the output-list is not empty; the Identifier will always be the first entry on it), the punctuator ( found is treated as the beginning of the parameter-list of a function-type. Scan the parameters recursively, and consume the closing ).

             input: )[5]
       output-list: x array[3] * func()
    operator-stack: ( *

Step #1.10:

A punctuator ) is found next. This signals that one must pop the operator-stack and move the elements found on it into the output-list, until a ( is popped. Then, both the punctuators, ( and ), are discarded.

             input: [5]
       output-list: x array[3] * func() *

Step #1.11:

A punctuator [ is found next. The operator-stack is empty; there is no need for precedence comparisons. Since the punctuator [ begins an array-type, scan the constructs between it and the corresponding closing punctuator ]; in this example it is just a number 5. Hence, this declares an array[5].

       output-list: x array[3] * func() * array[5]

Step #1.12:

The input is now exhausted. The operator-stack too is empty. Thus, the scan is grammatically correct, though the output-list may have to be semantically verified for correctness, to flag semantically invalid constructs.

The given declaration can be described by moving into the output-list from its left-end to its right-end, and then appending the type (char in this example) collected in the DeclarationSpecifiers.

Note that DeclarationSpecifiers also collect TypeQualifiers (this example has none), such as const, restrict, volatile, and _Atomic, that further qualify the TypeSpecifier (char in this example).

The output-list is:

   output-list: x array[3] * func() * array[5]

The description is

    x is ...
    an array[3] of ...
    a pointer to ...
    a function that takes no parameters and returns ...
    a pointer to ...
    an array[5] of ...
    a char.

Example #2:

This example demonstrates the fact that the method can deal with the extraneous pair of parentheses.

The rules referred to in the descriptions below are the rules (1) and (2) found in the Rule for Extraneous Parentheses section.

Each pair found extraneous is removed, without changing the meaning of the Declaration. The below steps demonstrate a manual method of removing extraneous pairs, and arriving at a minimal representation of a type.

    int (*((((x)[3]))));
             ^ ^
             | |
             +-+-------- violates rule (1), so not necessary

    int (*(((x[3]))));
    int (*(((x[3]))));
            ^    ^
            |    |
            +----+---- violates rules (1) and (2), so not necessary

    int (*((x[3])));
    int (*((x[3])));
           ^    ^
           |    |
           +----+--- violates rules (1) and (2), so not necessary

    int (*(x[3]));
    int (*(x[3]));
          ^    ^
          |    |
          +----+--- violates rules (1) and (2), so not necessary

    int (*x[3]);
    int (*x[3]);
        ^     ^
        |     |
        +-----+- violates rule (2), so not necessary

    int *x[3];

The Declaration int (*((((x)[3])))); therefore is:

    x is ...
    an array[3] of ...
    a pointer to ...
    an int.

One can also confirm that the description is correct, by consulting the AST produced by clang:

    $ # On bash shell

    $ cat 1.c
    $ int (*((((x)[3]))));

    $ clang -E -Xclang -ast-dump -fno-color-diagnostics 1.c
    TranslationUnitDecl 0x56313f5e0938 <<invalid sloc>> <invalid sloc>
    | . . .
    | . . .
    `-VarDecl 0x56313f63f738 <<stdin>:1:1, col:19> col:11 x 'int (*[3])':'int (*[3])'

The TypeName int (*[3]) has the same type as that in the Declaration int (*x[3]). From the rules about extraneous parentheses, the pair isn’t required, and so the type is the same as int *[3].

For some reason, clang doesn’t remove the pair. The type shown by clang, although correct, isn’t in its minimal possible representation.

As demonstrated below, gcc doesn’t suffer from this problem, as it displays the type not in the form of a string, as clang does, but in the form of an hierarchy of the AST nodes - that hierarchy records the ordering of the types. The type-list, that is built by the method described in this post, is exactly equivalent to a single path in gcc’s type-hierarchy.

One can also confirm that the description is correct, by consulting the AST produced by gcc:

    $ # On bash shell

    $ cat 1.c
    int main()
            int (*((((x)[3]))));

    $ cc -fdump-tree-original-raw 1.c -c
    $ cat 1.c.005t.original

    @5      var_decl         name: @9       type: @10      scpe: @11
                             srcp: 1.c:3                   size: @12
                             algn: 64       used: 0
    @9      identifier_node  strg: x        lngt: 1

    # The type of the variable "x" is given in the tree-node @10
    @10     array_type       size: @12      algn: 64       elts: @17
                             domn: @18

    # Thus, "x" is of an array-type. The total size of the array is given
    # by the tree-node @12, which is an integer-constant 192 (bits). The
    # total size of the array is therefore 24 bytes.
    @12     integer_cst      type: @21     int: 192

    # Each element of the array "x" is of the type given by the tree-node @17.
    @17     pointer_type     size: @26      algn: 64       ptd : @13

    # Thus, each element of array "x" is a pointer to some type. The size
    # of the pointer is given by the tree-node @26; it is 64 bits = 8 bytes.
    # Thus the array "x" has dimensions 24/8 = 3, or array[3].
    @26     integer_cst      type: @21     int: 64

    # The pointed-to type is given by tree-node @13.
    @13     integer_type     name: @22      size: @23      algn: 32
                             prec: 32       sign: signed   min : @24
                             max : @25
    @22     type_decl        name: @35      type: @13
    @35     identifier_node  strg: int      lngt: 3

    # Thus, "x" is an array[3] of a pointer to an int, or as can be declared,
    # 'int *x[3]'.

The stack-based method, described in Example #1, does not have to carry out any special steps to handle extraneous parentheses, as demonstrated below.

The initial state for this example is:

             input: int (*((((x)[3]))))

The TypeSpecifier int is a part of the DeclarationSpecifiers and not of the Declarator that follows. Scanning the Declarator as shown below.

             input: (*((((x)[3]))))
             input: *((((x)[3]))))
    operator-stack: (
             input: ((((x)[3]))))
    operator-stack: ( *
             input: (((x)[3]))))
    operator-stack: ( * (
             input: ((x)[3]))))
    operator-stack: ( * ( (
             input: (x)[3]))))
    operator-stack: ( * ( ( (
             input: x)[3]))))
    operator-stack: ( * ( ( ( (
             input: )[3]))))
       output-list: x
    operator-stack: ( * ( ( ( (
             input: [3]))))
       output-list: x
    operator-stack: ( * ( ( (
             input: ))))
       output-list: x array[3]
    operator-stack: ( * ( ( (
             input: )))
       output-list: x array[3]
    operator-stack: ( * ( (
             input: ))
       output-list: x array[3]
    operator-stack: ( * (
             input: )
       output-list: x array[3]
    operator-stack: ( *
       output-list: x array[3] *

Thus, the description is

    x is ...
    an array[3] of ...
    a pointer to ...
    an int.

which is the same as that for int *x[3].

Example #3:

This example demonstrates how the precedence-ordering parentheses, that are not extraneous, are handled by the method.

The initial state for the example is:

             input: int (*x)[3]

The TypeSpecifier int is a part of the DeclarationSpecifiers and not of the Declarator that follows. Scanning the Declarator as shown below.

             input: (*x)[3]
             input: *x)[3]
    operator-stack: (
             input: x)[3]
    operator-stack: ( *
             input: )[3]
       output-list: x
    operator-stack: ( *
             input: [3]
       output-list: x *
       output-list: x * array[3]

Thus, the description is

    x is ...
    a pointer to ...
    an array[3] of ...
    an int.

Handling TypeNames:

A TypeName is similar to a Declaration that is devoid of its Identifier.

Since an Identifier is not present in a TypeName, the rules for building a type-list for it have to be adjusted to handle its absence.

Simply removing an Identifier from a Declaration doesn’t always create a TypeName that corresponds to the type found in that Declaration. That is, AbstractDeclarator and Declarator are not exactly the same constructs.

Rules for TypeNames:

An empty-pair of parentheses is always assumed to represent an empty parameter-list; it never represents a (supposed) Identifier that is surrounded by the pair.

The location of the Identifier can be decided by following these rules for an AbstractDeclarator.

  1. If the location of the identifier has not yet been found (i.e. the output-list is empty), and if an array-type (i.e. ArrayAbstractDeclarator) is found, then the location of the Identifier is to the immediate left of the corresponding opening punctuator [.
  2. If the location of the identifier has not yet been found (i.e. the output-list is empty), and if a punctuator ) is found, then there are two separate situations:
    1. If a punctuator * follows the opening punctuator (, then the location of the Identifier is to the immediate left of the punctuator ).
    2. Else, the location of the Identifier is to the immediate left of the opening punctuator (.

Example #4:

From Example #3, the Declaration int (*((((x)[3])))) is equivalent to int *x[3].

Removing x from the Declaration int *x[3] results in a TypeName int *[3] that is exactly the same type as that of x.

The initial state for the example is:

             input: int *[3]

The TypeSpecifier int is a part of the SpecifierQualifierList and not of the AbstractDeclarator that follows. Scanning the AbstractDeclarator as shown below.

             input: *[3]
             input: [3]
    operator-stack: *

A punctuator [ is found next in the input. Its precedence is higher than that of the punctuator * found on the top of the operator-stack. Hence, the processing of the punctuator [ takes priority over that of the punctuator *.

The output-list is empty; hence, the rule (1) of the Rules for TypeNames applies.

The position of the Identifier is shown here in int *x[3] through the use of the name x.

An Identifier x is placed at the start of the currently empty output-list, as a place-holder.

Since the location of the Identifier is now available, the rules now are the same as they were when scanning a Declaration.

             input: [3]
       output-list: x
    operator-stack: *
       output-list: x array[3]
    operator-stack: *

Now empty the operator-stack:

       output-list: x array[3] *

As can be seen, this Declaration is the same as that of a variable that is an array[3] of a pointer to an int.

Example #5:

From Example #3, and Example #4, the Declaration int (*((((x)[3])))) is equivalent to int *x[3].

But, removing x from the Declaration int (*((((x)[3])))) results in a TypeName int (*(((()[3])))) that is semantically invalid, and therefore, not equivalent to int *[3], as shown below.

The initial state for the example is:

             input: int (*(((()[3]))))

The TypeSpecifier int is a part of the SpecifierQualifierList and not of the AbstractDeclarator that follows. Scanning the AbstractDeclarator as shown below.

             input: (*(((()[3]))))
             input: *(((()[3]))))
    operator-stack: (
             input: (((()[3]))))
    operator-stack: ( *
             input: ((()[3]))))
    operator-stack: ( * (
             input: (()[3]))))
    operator-stack: ( * ( (
             input: ()[3]))))
    operator-stack: ( * ( ( (
             input: )[3]))))
    operator-stack: ( * ( ( ( (

A punctuator ) is found next in the input. Before the punctuator is removed from the input-stream, one can see that the output-list is empty, and the corresponding opening punctuator ( is not followed by the punctuator *.

Hence, the rule (2.2) of the Rules for TypeNames applies.

The position of the Identifier is shown here in int (*(((x()[3])))) through the use of the name x. As is evident, this Declaration is not same as int (*((((x)[3])))).

The rule says that the position of the Identifier is to the immediate left of the opening punctuator (. To apply this rule, pop the elements from the operator-stack and place them back on to the head of the input. Stop once the opening punctuator ( is moved back into the input. Then, place x at the start of the currently empty output-list as a place-holder for the omitted Identifier. The current state then is as shown below:

             input: ()[3]))))
       output-list: x
    operator-stack: ( * ( ( (

Since the location of the Identifier is now available, the rules now are the same as they were when scanning a Declaration.

             input: [3]))))
       output-list: x func()
    operator-stack: ( * ( ( (
             input: ))))
       output-list: x func() array[3]
    operator-stack: ( * ( ( (

Here, the partial type can be described as:

   x is a function that takes no parameters and returns ...
   an array[3] of ...

The fact, that the given TypeName turns out (partially) to be of a function that returns an array, violates one of the semantic rules mentioned in Rules of Precedence. A function can never return an array. The scanning of the TypeName can stop here, but let us continue, since clang, as shown below, also informs about the type of the array that the function returns.

             input: )))
       output-list: x func() array[3]
    operator-stack: ( * ( (
             input: ))
       output-list: x func() array[3]
    operator-stack: ( * (
             input: )
       output-list: x func() array[3]
    operator-stack: ( *
       output-list: x func() array[3] *

The description of the type is:

    x is ...
    a function that takes no parameters and returns ...
    an array[3] of ...
    a pointer to ...
    an int

The output from clang, shown below, notes that the function returns an array[3] of a pointer to an int. The gcc compiler decides to not show the exact type the function returns, perhaps because a function, returning an array (of any legal/illegal type), is in violation of the standard.

The outputs from gcc and clang:

    $ cat 1.c
    int main(void)
            return sizeof(int (*(((()[3])))));

    $ cc 1.c
    1.c: In function ‘main’:
    1.c:3:9: error: type name declared as function returning an array
        3 |         return sizeof(int (*(((()[3])))));
          |         ^~~~~~

    $ clang 1.c
    1.c:3:25: error: function cannot return array type 'int (*[3])'
        3 |         return sizeof(int (*(((()[3])))));
          |                                ^
    1 error generated.

Example #6:

The initial state for the example is:

             input: int (int)

The TypeSpecifier int is a part of the SpecifierQualifierList and not of the AbstractDeclarator that follows. Scanning the AbstractDeclarator as shown below.

             input: (int)
             input: int)
    operator-stack: (
             input: )
    operator-stack: ( int

A punctuator ) is found next in the input. Before the punctuator is removed from the input-stream, one can see that the output-list is empty, and the corresponding opening punctuator ( is not followed by the punctuator *.

Hence, the rule (2.2) of the Rules for TypeNames applies.

The position of the Identifier is shown here in int x(int) through the use of the name x.

             input: (int)
       output-list: x

Since the location of the Identifier is now available, the rules now are the same as they were when scanning a Declaration.

       output-list: x func(int)

The description of the type is:

    x is ...
    a function that takes one parameter of type int and returns ...
    an int

Example #7:

The type of the Declaration char (*(*x[3])())[5] is same as the TypeName char (*(*[3])()))[5] obtained by removing the Identifier x.

Within the TypeName, the location of the Identifier is provided by the application of the rule (1) of the Rules for TypeNames. It is the same as the location of x in the Declaration.

Example #8:

The type of the Declaration int (*x)[3] is same as the TypeName int (*)[3] obtained by removing the Identifier x.

Within the TypeName, the location of the Identifier is provided by the application of the rule (2.1) of the Rules for TypeNames. It is the same as the location of x in the Declaration.

Update #1:

Fixed Rules for TypeNames to add support for FunctionAbstractDeclarator. Added Example #6 that is a declaration of a function.