vc4: cube demo - ‘from scratch’


Warning: Improperly programming a GPU, or a display, may damage the devices.

This post demonstrates a partial recreation of the vkcube application, but directly on the vc4 GPU, without involving any of the software graphics APIs. It is a partial recreation, as the only behavior it demonstrates is a LunarG cube, rotating on its Y-axis. vkcube additionally supports speeding up or slowing down the spinning cube, and reversing the direction of the spin.


The demo runs within a bare-bones supervisor-mode framework/kernel,

Such a setup allows, for instance, to run the gpu demo on cpu #3 of the RPi3B+, while the V3D and the PV interrupts occur and are handled on cpu #0. Such a setup forces upon this tiny system the problem of correctly dealing with any inter-processor communication required (for e.g. locks and memory barriers) for correct operation.

It also requires one to deal with caching, both from the CPU side and from the GPU side. For instance, since the cube rotates every frame, the MVP matrix that is passed to the shaders as uniform also changes every frame. If the matrix is stored in an inner-shareable region (as it is, on this setup), the corresponding CPU cache-lines must be cleared up to the Point of Coherency upon change, such that, if the GPU were to view the system RAM region housing the matrix, it would see the updated data. But there’s also a Uniforms Cache (QUC) on the GPU side that needs to be invalidated of stale data, if the GPU is to successfully retrieve the updated matrix from the system RAM.

The driver for the PV device allows one to receive the VBLANK interrupt, so that, in servicing it, one can ask the HVS to flip the display-list for a tear-free animation.

The driver for the V3D device allows one to manage the Binning Memory Pool - the device raises an interrupt when it runs out of its working memory during the binning phase. Servicing that interrupt allows one to provide the device with the memory it needs piece by piece from a large, pre-allocated pool.

The setup does have drawbacks, as it isn’t a complete OS. For instance, rotating the cube requires calculating trigonometric functions, and the lack of a maths library in this environment forces the use of a pre-built table of fixed values (here, sin/cos for every , starting at ).

It also relies on the RPi firmware to setup the clocks and the initial display-list. This setup just creates multiple copies of the initial display-list, each copy with a different, but same-sized frame-buffer region, to use them as multiple images into which the GPU can render. Once an image is rendered into, it is sent to the HVS for presenting, and an image that has already been presented is pulled from the HVS to begin rendering the next frame into.

Vertices, and their Winding Order:

Each of the 6 faces of the cube is viewed from a position where it faces us, the coordinates are noted down.

vkcube defines a 2x2x2-sized cube, centered at the origin of the object-space. It lists the vertices in a CCW order. The object-space and the world-space coincide - the model-matrix would have been identity, if not for the requirement of rotating the cube. The eye/camera is at (0,3,5) in the world-space coordinates (assuming the RHS coordinate system), looking right at the origin (0,0,0) of the world-space coordinate, without any twists or turns along its (camera’s) Z-axis. As a result, the +Z cube face is facing the camera.

As described in the vc4: Winding Order post, this demo chooses to rely on the the default CCW front-winding and the Y-flip of the clip-space coordinates, to draw the cube. This forces the vertices to be initially provided in the CW winding-order; after the multiplication by the MVP matrix and a Y-flip in the coordinate and vertex shaders, the primitive processing stage of the GPU sees the default: CCW as front-winding and CW as back-winding.

Below is the vertex and texture coordinate information for the face situated at -Z axis, i.e. the XY face situated at Z=-1.

                   ^ +y
         A         |            B
    obj(1,1,-1)    |       obj(-1,1,-1)
    tex(0,1)       |       tex(1,1)
    +x <-----------+-------------->
    tex(0,0)       |       tex(1,0)
    obj(1,-1,-1)   |       obj(-1,-1,-1)
        D          |          C

    // Vertex Coordinates, in CW order.
    1, 1, -1,		// A
    -1, -1, -1,		// C
    1, -1, -1,		// D

    1, 1, -1,		// A
    -1, 1, -1,		// B
    -1, -1, -1,		// C

    // Texture Coordinates, corresponding to the 6 vertices.
    0, 1,
    1, 0,
    0, 0,
    0, 1,
    1, 1,
    1, 0,

This CW winding-order, when looked at from the point-of-view of the camera, turns into a CCW ordering; that turn occurs after multiplication by the MVP matrix (the View Matrix, specifically) when running the vertex shader. The clip-space Y-flip then turns the ordering back into the CW winding-order. As a result, this -Z face is treated as a back-face by the primitive processing stage and is culled, as it should be; asking the GPU to draw only this face results in a blank image filled with the clear color. Of course, due to the rotation, when the -Z face happens to face the camera, it is rendered as expected.

Model matrix:

vkcube, by default, rotates CW on its Y-axis, when viewed from top (i.e. from a point on +Y-axis towards the origin). Considering the RHS coordinate system, and the Y-flips needed reconcile the differences between the GPU and the display pipeline, the matrix that is needed is the one that describes a CCW rotation by a positive angle around the Y-axis when viewed from top.

The rotation matrix (all matrices here are row-major order) is as below, where the angle is the previous angle + 4°:

    +---                        ---+
    | cos(angle)  0  -sin(angle)  0|
    | 0           1  0            0|
    | sin(angle)  0  cos(angle)   0|
    | 0           0  0            1|
    +---                        ---+

View matrix:

The coordinate transformation, based on the properties defined by vkcube, is as shown below:

    eye: (0, 3, 5)
    lookat/center: (0, 0, 0)
    up: (0, 1, 0)

    view.zvec = normalize(eye - lookat)
              = normalize(0, 3, 5)
              = (0, 0.5145, 0.8575)

    view.xvec = normalize(up cross view.zvec)
              = (1, 0, 0)

    view.yvec = view.zvec cross view.xvec
              = (0, 0.8575, -0.5145)

    view matrix = basis-vectors * translation

    +---                ---+   +---      ---+
    | 1  0        0       0|   | 1  0  0   0|
    | 0  0.8575  -0.5145  0| * | 0  0  0  -3| =
    | 0  0.5145   0.8575  0|   | 0  0  0  -5|
    | 0  0        0       1|   | 0  0  0   1|
    +---                ---+   +---      ---+

    +---                     ---+
    | 1  0        0        0    |
    | 0  0.8575  -0.5145   0    |
    | 0  0.5145   0.8575  -5.831|
    | 0  0        0        1    |
    +---                     ---+

Projection matrix:

vkcube describes a perspective projection by setting the Y-FOV to 45°, the aspect ratio to 1, the near-plane at Z = -0.1 (in the eye-space) and the far-plane at Z = -100 (again, in the eye-space). The aspect ratio is 1 because the initial window that vkcube creates is a square window. But this demo has RPi running at a 800 x 600 resolution. The aspect ratio is adjusted accordingly.

The calculation of the width and height of the near-plane, based on the Y-FOV and the aspect-ratio:

    The eye-space coordinate system:
                                   ^ +y
                                **** (0,t,-0.1)
                          ***      |
     (0,0,0)       ****            |
     eye      ***                  |
          **                       |
      E *--------------------------+----------------------> -z
        <----------- 0.1 --------->| (0,0,-0.1)
                                   * (0,-t,-0.1)
                                   v -y

    The triangle formed by (0,0,0) (0,0,-0.1) and (0,t,-0.1) has 45°/2 = 22.5°
    angle at the point E.

    tan(22.5°) = 0.4142 = t / 0.1.
    Hence, t = 0.04142 units.

    The height of the near-plane is thus 0.04142 * 2 = 0.08284 units.
    The aspect ratio of the viewport, and therefore of the near-plane, is
    800/600. This gives the width of the near-plane as
    800 * 0.08284 / 600 = 0.11045

The calculation of a perspective projection matrix is described, in great detail, here. Based on its calculations, and those above, the perspective projection matrix is:

    +---                             ---+
    | n/r  0     0             0        |
    | 0    n/t   0             0        |
    | 0    0    -(f+n)/(f-n)  -2fn/(f-n)|
    | 0    0    -1             0        |
    +---                             ---+

    n = 0.1,
    f = 100,
    r = 0.11045 / 2 = 0.05523,
    t = 0.04142,
    resulting in,

    +---                         ---+
    | 1.8106  0       0       0     |
    | 0       2.4143  0       0     |
    | 0       0      -1.002  -0.2002|
    | 0       0      -1       0     |
    +---                         ---+

MVP matrix:

Since the rotation matrix changes every frame, the MVP matrix is filled in by multiplying the VP matrix (projection * view in that order) and the rotation matrix R, like so: VP * R in that order.

Control Lists:

The Binner Control List must be provided with an initial Tile Allocation Memory, even if it is just one page. If the Tile Allocation Memory Base and Size are both kept 0, and even if the OUTOMEM irq handler hands out pages when needed, the renderer thread enters an error condition as signaled by the CT1CS.CTERR bit.

There are two attribute arrays, one that stores the vertex coordinate information, and the other stores the texture coordinate information. The binner needs access to only the vertex coordinate information to build the tile-lists. The varyings (such as the texture coordinates) are needed later by the renderer when the vertex shader runs. By separating the attributes, one can avoid loading unnecessary data that pollutes the caches.


The LunarG texture is converted to the T-format as described in the vc4: T-format textures post.

Since the linear format, from which the T-format buffer is created, has the start of the texture buffer storing the top-row of the image instead of the bottom row, the texture configuration has the FLIPY bit enabled to let the GPU know that it must compensate for the reversed ordering.

If the T-format buffer were created from a linear format that had the image vertically flipped, then the FLIPY bit would not need to be set.

Coordinate and Vertex shaders:

The coordinate and vertex shaders share similar code. The format of the coordinate shader output is the described by the Shaded Coordinates Format in VPM for PTB in the V3D Architecture Reference Guide

The same guide also describes the format of the vertex shader output, Shaded Vertex Format in VPM for PSE.

The vertex shader outputs 5 varyings: the xyz clip-coordinates and the st texture-coordinates for each shaded vertex. These varyings are then interpolated and provided to the fragment shader.

Pixel and Element relation:

GPUs seem to prefer rendering pixels in a group of aligned 2x2 block of pixels, also called a pixel-quad.

With vc4 GPU too, each QPU processes a pixel-quad when running fragment shaders. Not only that, since each QPU is considered to be a 16-way SIMD processor, it processes aligned blocks of 4x4 pixels, one pixel-quad inside it at a time.

Within an aligned block of 4x4 pixels, which SIMD-element, out of the 16 SIMD-elements of a QPU, is responsible for which pixel, can be known by running a series of the following fragment shaders:

    0x159a7d80, 0x10020827, /* or       r0, element_number, element_number; */
    0xff000000, 0xe0020867, /* li       r1, -, 0xff000000; */
    0x0d9c01c0, 0xd00228a7, /* sub      r2, r0, 0 sf; */
    0xffffffff, 0xe0040867, /* li.zs.never r1, -, 0xffffffff; */
    0x159e7240, 0x10020ba7, /* or       tlb_color_all, r1, r1; */
    0x009e7000, 0x500009e7, /* score_board_unlock; */
    0x009e7000, 0x300009e7, /* program_end; */
    0x009e7000, 0x100009e7, /* ;        */
    0x009e7000, 0x100009e7, /* ;        */

The shader outputs the color white if the SIMD-element on which this shader instance is running is 0. The rest (15 in number) of the shader instances, running on the same QPU as the instance with SIMD-element 0, color their pixel black. In the rendered frame-buffer, the lone white pixel in a block of aligned 4x4 pixels reveals the position, within the 4x4 pixels block, of the SIMD-element that was responsible for coloring the white pixel.

By running such a series of fragment shaders, one for each SIMD-element, the following pattern emerges, at least around the origin.

    ^ +y
    +-------------------------> +x

A point marked e denotes an aligned block of 4x4 pixels that is at an even Y-position, while a point marked o denotes a similar block that is at an odd Y-position.

The relation between an even block and a QPU’s elements is shown below. Pixels positions are implicit, while the numbers denote the particular SIMD-element number that was responsible for coloring the corresponding pixel white.

    // Even block

    6   7   10   11
    4   5   08   09
    2   3   14   15
    0   1   12   13

Similarly, for odd block of aligned 4x4 pixels.

   // Odd block

   10   11   6   7
   08   09   4   5
   14   15   2   3
   12   13   0   1

Within each aligned 4x4 block of pixels assigned to a QPU, the QPU processes one pixel-quad at a time (since, although a QPU is considered to be a 16-way SIMD processor, physically it is a 4-way SIMD processor multiplexed 4x over 4 clock cycles).

Since vkcube relies on dFdx and dFdy in its fragment shader to perform lighting calculations, the exact layout of a pixel-quad is needed. From the above layouts, one can derive a finer relation between a pixel-quad and the 4 physical QPU SIMD-elements:

    ^ +y
    |     **   <-- pixel-quad
    |     **
    +---------------------> +x

    // pixel-quad from above, blown up in size, below:

    *       *
    2       3

    *       *
    0       1

The number below each pixel is given by the expression element_numer & 3.

The 4 pixel-quads, within each aligned 4x4 block of pixels, are each processed by similar SIMD-elements.

This fact is exploited by vkcube fragment shader to calculate the partial derivatives of the clip-space-position varying, with respect to the X and the Y directions.

For each (marked by *) of the 4 pixels of a pixel-quad, the dX and dY vectors of a per-pixel or per-fragment varying function (such as the clip-space-position in vkcube) are:

    ^ +y                                 ^ +y
    |                                    |
    |       dX                           |         dX
    |     *------->.                     |     .------->*
    |     ^                              |              ^
    |   dY|                              |              | dY
    |     |                              |              |
    |     .        .                     |     .        .
    |                                    |
    +---------------------> +x           +---------------------> +x
    frame-buffer                         frame-buffer
    origin                               origin

    ^ +y                                 ^ +y
    |                                    |
    |                                    |
    |     .        .                     |     .        .
    |     ^                              |              ^
    |   dY|                              |              | dY
    |     |                              |              |
    |     *------->.                     |     .------->*
    |       dX                           |       dX
    +---------------------> +x           +---------------------> +x
    frame-buffer                         frame-buffer
    origin                               origin

In each case, the cross product of dX and dY, in that order, results in the surface normal at the given pixel.

Fragment shader:

As described here, the fragment shader can rely on the element_number of SIMD-element running an instance of the shader, and on the mul rotation feature of the QPU, to calculate the derivatives.

While testing the fragment shader, if the rotations were calculated as shown below, the rendered output had black pixels due to negative dot products of the surface normal and the light vector. The rendering was as if a fine grill of black pixels were laid on top of the cube.

    /* func_dfdx: */
    . . .
    . . .
    0x809ff000, 0xd00099c0, /* v8min.zs a0, r0, rot15; */
    0x809ff009, 0xd00099c1, /* v8min.zs a1, r1, rot15; */
    0x809ff012, 0xd00099c2, /* v8min.zs a2, r2, rot15; */
    0x02027c00, 0x10040027, /* fsub.zs  a0, a0, r0; */
    0x02067c40, 0x10040067, /* fsub.zs  a1, a1, r1; */
    0x020a7c80, 0x100400a7, /* fsub.zs  a2, a2, r2; */
    . . .
    . . .

After hours of debugging, the pattern shown below, worked. It seems that back-to-back rotation calculations do not give accurate results. The nop after each rotation instruction is required, since otherwise, the fsub instruction would be reading from a location in A-reg-file that was written to by the immediately preceding rotation instruction.

    /* func_dfdx: */
    . . .
    . . .
    0x809ff000, 0xd00099c0, /* v8min.zs a0, r0, rot15; */
    0x009e7000, 0x100009e7, /* ;        */
    0x02027c00, 0x10040027, /* fsub.zs  a0, a0, r0; */

    0x809ff009, 0xd00099c1, /* v8min.zs a1, r1, rot15; */
    0x009e7000, 0x100009e7, /* ;        */
    0x02067c40, 0x10040067, /* fsub.zs  a1, a1, r1; */

    0x809ff012, 0xd00099c2, /* v8min.zs a2, r2, rot15; */
    0x009e7000, 0x100009e7, /* ;        */
    0x020a7c80, 0x100400a7, /* fsub.zs  a2, a2, r2; */
    . . .
    . . .

The v8min.zs a0, r0, rot15; instruction is really encoded as v8min.zs a0, r0, r0, rot15;, but the parser in my assembler isn’t complete enough to parse the latter expression.


Here is a video capture of the RPi3B+ booting and spinning the cube. The rendering is a bit darker, for some reason, than that of the vkcube running with mesa on an Intel IvyBridge machine.

It seems that Google Drive allows online playback of the video only at 360p, even though the video resolution is 800x600. Downloading the file first and then playing it in the browser, displays the video at its original resolution.