G73/NV4B demo: GPU Passthrough, and EDID access


This demo utilizes the VFIO feature of the Linux kernel to pass through a GeForce 7600 GT GPU to a guest VM running on the host. Then, the program running inside the guest VM configures a DDC (an I2C) bus on the GPU to access the EDID blocks of the attached display.

The details about parsing the Video BIOS, and about driving the DDC bus were found by reading the DCB Specification and, the source code for the nouveau driver.

Warning: Improperly programming a GPU, or a display, may cause harm to the devices.

Hardware Setup:

The GPU supports 2 dual-link DVI-I ports, and 1 S-Video/TV-out port. An HDMI display is connected to one of the DVI-I ports, with a DVI-to-HDMI cable. The cable also works as an HDMI-to-DVI cable (for instance, when connecting a RPi1B to a DVI display), thanks to the similarities between the two protocols.

The GPU card is inserted into a PCI Express x16 slot on the host machine. The host machine has its own display running over an integrated GPU.

The CPU and the motherboard on the host machine must both support CPU virtualization and IOMMU. The BIOS may have these features disabled - they must be enabled in the BIOS.

Host Machine Software Setup:

There are several articles on the internet, about configuring a Linux host machine to pass through a spare PCI/PCIe GPU to a guest VM running on that host.

For instance, this article, although about setting up a UEFI-based VM, does present the necessary, initial steps for configuring the host, regardless of the type (UEFI, or BIOS) of the guest VM that will ultimately receive the GPU.

The lspci -nnv command on my host machine shows the GPU as:

# lspci -vnn

01:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: NVIDIA Corporation G73 [GeForce 7600 GT] [10de:0391] (rev a1) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller])
        Flags: fast devsel, IRQ 16, IOMMU group 1
        Memory at f6000000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=16M]
        Memory at e0000000 (64-bit, prefetchable) [size=256M]
        Memory at f5000000 (64-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=16M]
        I/O ports at e000 [size=128]
        Expansion ROM at f7000000 [disabled] [size=128K]
        Capabilities: [60] Power Management version 2
        Capabilities: [68] MSI: Enable- Count=1/1 Maskable- 64bit+
        Capabilities: [78] Express Endpoint, MSI 00
        Capabilities: [100] Virtual Channel
        Capabilities: [128] Power Budgeting <?>
        Kernel driver in use: vfio-pci
        Kernel modules: nouveau

The qemu command line, to launch the guest, must be run as root in order to allow the qemu process to present the GPU to the guest VM. There may be ways to run the process as a non-root user, but that may require additional configuration not performed here.

The command line is:

# qemu-system-x86_64							\
-m 1g -cpu host -smp 2,cores=2,threads=1 -enable-kvm -machine q35	\
-device vfio-pci,host=01:00.0,bus=pcie.0,addr=1e.0 -vga std		\
-kernel sys.elf -d mmu,int -serial mon:stdio -nodefaults

The sys.elf binary is the supervisor-mode program that runs within the guest VM.

The GPU is presented to the guest VM as a device with address 0x1e on its pcie.0 bus. The output from info qtree monitor command.

(qemu) info qtree

 dev: q35-pcihost, id ""
    . . .
    bus: pcie.0
      type PCIE
      dev: vfio-pci, id ""
        host = "0000:01:00.0"
        sysfsdev = "/sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:01:00.0"
	. . .
        class VGA controller, addr 00:1e.0, pci id 10de:0391 (sub 0000:0000)
        bar 0: mem at 0xfc000000 [0xfcffffff]
        bar 1: mem at 0xe0000000 [0xefffffff]
        bar 3: mem at 0xfd000000 [0xfdffffff]
        bar 5: i/o at 0xc000 [0xc07f]
        bar 6: mem at 0xffffffffffffffff [0x1fffe]

The qemu BIOS has already mapped the BARs # 0, 1 and 3 at appropriate physical locations. The program that runs within the guest VM can thus directly read/write these locations as needed/appropriate.

The DCB:

The Video BIOS contains the Device Control Block, which helps in finding out, among other pieces, the information that is needed to gather the EDID block of the connected display.

The DCB contains a Header, and a table of Device Entries. The DCB Header further points towards a Communications Control Block (CCB) table, and a Connector table. The details of parsing these tables are shown below.

The DCB Device Entries can be thought of as describing logical output ports, while the entries in the Connector table can be thought of as describing the physical output connectors.

The offset of the DCB table is itself found at the offset 0x36 from the start of the BIOS image. See the function dcb_table.

$ hexdump -C nv.bios.rom

. . .
00000030  01 00 00 00 b0 10 d6 8d  30 39 2f 32 37 2f 30 36  |........09/27/06|
. . .

The DCB table is thus at the offset 0x8dd6 from the start of the BIOS image.

$ hexdump -C nv.bios.rom

. . .
00008dd0  2f 21 2c 00 71 00 30 19  0a 08 3f 8e cb bd dc 4e  |/!,.q.0...?....N|
00008de0  78 8e 6c 8e d6 8e e2 8e  f0 8e 05 8f 31 51 59 00  |x.l.........1QY.|
00008e20  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0f  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0f  |................|
00008e30  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0f  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 30  |...............0|
. . .

The structure of the DCB Header in the BIOS:

Address Value Comment
0x8dd6 0x30 Version of the DCB table. This GPU being almost two decades old, does not sport a 4.0 DCB.
0x8dd7 0x19 Size of the DCB Header, in bytes. The table of DCB Device Entries immediately follow this header.
0x8dd8 0xa Number of DCB Device Entries inside the table.
0x8dd9 0x8 Size of each DCB Device Entry, in bytes.
0x8dda 0x8e3f Offset to the Communications Control Block (CCB) table, from the start of the BIOS image.
0x8ddc 0x4edcbdcb DCB Signature.
0x8de0 0x8e78 Offset to the GPIO Assignment table.
0x8de2 0x8e6c Offset to the Input Devices table.
0x8de4 0x8ed6 Offset to the Personal Cinema table.
0x8de6 0x8ee2 Offset to the Spread Spectrum table.
0x8de8 0x8ef0 Offset to the I2C Devices table.
0x8dea 0x8f05 Offset to the Connector table.
0x8dec 0x31 DCB Flags.
0x8ded 0x5951 Offset to the HDTV Translation table.

The DCB Device Entries (they describe the output ports on the card) are shown below. Based on the header, there are 10 entries. Each entry consumes two rows in the table shown below - the first row describes the Display Path Information for the entry, while the second describes the Device Specific Information for the same entry. The entries are indexed from 0, to the number of entries, minus 1.

DCB Device Entry, Index 0:

Address Value Comment
0x8def 0x1000300 [3:0] = 0. Display Type. The value represents a CRT, or the common analog VGA display.

[7:4] = 0. The EDID Port to use to query EDID of any display connected to this output port. This value is the index into the CCB table.

[11:8] = 3. Head Bitmask. The value represents the fact that the output port isn’t exclusively assigned to one of the two heads. Depending on the programming, any one of the two heads (CRTC controllers) can drive it.

[15:12] = 0. Connector Index; the index, into the Connector table, to the entry which describes the physical connector on the card housing this output port.

[19:16] = 0. Logical Bus Number. Used for mutual exclusion.
For example, a DVI-I physical connector has two DCB Device Entries, one for the digital output, and the other for the analog output. But only one type of output can be enabled. By setting the bus number of the two entries to a common value, the driver can prevent running both the ports simultaneously.

[21:20] = 0. Location; describes an internal encoder.

[22],[23]. TODO.

[27:24] = 1. TODO. Output Resource description.
0x8df3 0x28 CRT specific information. Based on the parse_dcb20_entry function, this field is the maximum frequency of the pixel clock (RAMDAC?) when driving the analog display over this output port. The value represents 400000 KHz (0x28 * 10000), or 400MHz.

DCB Device Entry, Index 1:

Address Value Comment
0x8df7 0x3000302 [3:0] = 2. Display Type is TMDS, that is, DVI/HDMI. This is the same physical connector as found in the entry above; the bus number is the same. But this instance is responsible for driving a digital display.
0x8dfb 0 [1:0] = 0. TMDS specfic information. The value represents the fact that EDID blocks can be read through the corresponding DDC/I2C channel (represented by the EDID Port field).

DCB Device Entry, Index 2:

Address Value Comment
0x8dff 0x4011310 [3:0] = 0. Display Type is CRT.

[7:4] = 1. The EDID Port to use to query EDID of any display connected to this output port. This value is the index into the CCB table.

[11:8] = 3. Head Bitmask.

[15:12] = 1. Connector Index.

[19:16] = 1. Logical Bus Number.

[21:20] = 0. Location; describes an internal encoder.

[22],[23]. TODO.

[27:24] = 4. TODO. Output Resource description.
0x8e03 0x28 CRT specific information.

DCB Device Entry, Index 3:

Address Value Comment
0x8e07 0x4011312 The digital counterpart of the analog Index 2.
0x8e0b 0

DCB Device Entry, Index 4:

Address Value Comment
0x8e0f 0x20223f1 [3:0] = 1. Display Type is TV.

[7:4] = f. The value suggests that the EDID information is not available through any entry within the CCB table - other methods (straps, SBIOS) may have to be employed.

[11:8] = 3. Head Bitmask.

[15:12] = 2. Connector Index.

[19:16] = 2. Logical Bus Number.

[21:20] = 0. Location; describes an internal encoder.

[22],[23]. TODO.

[27:24] = 2. TODO. Output Resource description.
0x8e13 0xc0c080 TV specific information.
[2:0] = 0. SDTV Format. The value represents NTSC_M(US).

[19:16][7:4] = 0x08. TVDAC description. The value represents Standard HDTV DAC.

[15:8] = 0xc0. Encoder Identifier. The value represents NVIDIA Internal Encoder.

[20] = 0. The device doesn’t use external communication port.

[22:21] = 2. This output port has 3 connectors. The value perhaps means that one can connect break-out cables of various types to the same physical connector in order to support different TV-out facilities.

[26:23] = 1. HDTV Format. The value represents HDTV 480i.

DCB Device Entries, Index 5 to 9:

Address Value Comment
0x8e1b 0
0x8e23 0
0x8e2b 0
0x8e33b 0
0x8e3b 0

When the Linux OS boots, the nouveau driver prints these entries as:

[    5.232076] nouveau 0000:00:1e.0: DRM: DCB version 3.0
[    5.232078] nouveau 0000:00:1e.0: DRM: DCB outp 00: 01000300 00000028
[    5.232080] nouveau 0000:00:1e.0: DRM: DCB outp 01: 03000302 00000000
[    5.232081] nouveau 0000:00:1e.0: DRM: DCB outp 02: 04011310 00000028
[    5.232082] nouveau 0000:00:1e.0: DRM: DCB outp 03: 04011312 00000000
[    5.232083] nouveau 0000:00:1e.0: DRM: DCB outp 04: 020223f1 00c0c080

The DCB: Connector Table

Based on the DCB Header, the Connector table is at offset 0x8f05.

$ hexdump -C nv.bios.rom

. . .
00008f00  00 ff 00 00 00 30 05 0a  02 00 30 10 30 21 10 02  |.....0....0.0!..|
00008f10  11 02 13 02 ff 00 ff 00  ff 00 ff 00 ff 00 66 51  |..............fQ|
. . .

The Connector table Header:

Address Value Comment
0x8f05 0x30 Version of the Connector table.
0x8f06 0x5 Size of the Connector table Header, in bytes.
0x8f07 0xa Number of entries in the table. They immediately follow this header.
0x8f08 0x2 Size of each entry in the table, in bytes.
0x8f09 0x0 Platform. The value represents a normal add-in card.

Connector table entries:

Address Value Comment
0x8f0a 0x1030 [7:0] = 0x30. Connector type. The value represents a DVI-I connector.

[11:8] = 0. The physical location of the connector. The value represents the connector on the bracket closet to the PCI slot.

[12] = 1. The connector triggers the Hotplug A interrupt.
0x8f0c 0x2130 Similar to above, except this connector is located on the middle bracket, and it generates the Hotplug B interrupt.
0x8f0e 0x210 [7:0] = 0x10. Connector type is TV-Composite-Out. Its location is on the bracket furthest away from the PCI slot.
0x8f10 0x211 [7:0] = 0x11. Connector type is TV-S-Video-Out. Same location as the TV-Composite-Out.
0x8f12 0x213 [7:0] = 0x13. Connector type is TV-HDTV-Component-YPrPb. Same location as the other two TV connectors.
0x8f14 0xff Unused.
0x8f16 0xff Unused.
0x8f18 0xff Unused.
0x8f1a 0xff Unused.
0x8f1c 0xff Unused.

When the Linux OS boots, the nouveau driver prints these entries as:

[    5.232085] nouveau 0000:00:1e.0: DRM: DCB conn 00: 1030
[    5.232086] nouveau 0000:00:1e.0: DRM: DCB conn 01: 2130
[    5.232087] nouveau 0000:00:1e.0: DRM: DCB conn 02: 0210
[    5.232088] nouveau 0000:00:1e.0: DRM: DCB conn 03: 0211
[    5.232089] nouveau 0000:00:1e.0: DRM: DCB conn 04: 0213

The DCB: Communications Control Block (CCB) Table

Based on the DCB Header, the CCB table is at offset 0x8e3f.

$ hexdump -C nv.bios.rom

. . .
00008e30  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0f  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 30  |...............0|
00008e40  05 03 04 02 37 36 00 00  3f 3e 00 00 51 50 00 00  |....76..?>..QP..|
. . .

CCB table Header:

Address Value Comment
0x8e3f 0x30 Version of the CCB table.
0x8e40 0x5 Size of the CCB table Header, in bytes.
0x8e41 0x3 Number of entries in the table. They immediately follow this header.
0x8e42 0x4 Size of each entry in the table, in bytes.
0x8e43 0x2 [3:0] = 2: Index of the Primary communications port.
[7:4] = 0: Index of the secondary communication port.

CCB table entry, Index 0:

Address Value Comment
0x8e44 0x37 CRTC Index register for driving the I2C bus.
0x8e45 0x36 CRTC Index register for sensing the I2C bus.
0x8e46 0 Reserved/Unknown.
0x8e47 0 Type of the CCB Entry format. 0 = DCB_I2C_NV04_BIT.

CCB table entry, Index 1:

Address Value Comment
0x8e48 0x3f CRTC Index register for driving the I2C bus.
0x8e49 0x3e CRTC Index register for sensing the I2C bus.
0x8e4a 0 Reserved/Unknown.
0x8e4b 0 Type of the CCB Entry format. 0 = DCB_I2C_NV04_BIT.

CCB table entry, Index 2:

Address Value Comment
0x8e4c 0x51 CRTC Index register for driving the I2C bus.
0x8e4d 0x50 CRTC Index register for sensing the I2C bus.
0x8e4e 0 Reserved/Unknown.
0x8e4f 0 Type of the CCB Entry format. 0 = DCB_I2C_NV04_BIT.

When the Linux OS boots, the nouveau driver, with debug traces enabled, prints these entries as:

[    5.072755] nouveau 0000:00:1e.0: i2c: ccb 00: type 00 drive 37 sense 36 share ff auxch ff
[    5.073002] nouveau 0000:00:1e.0: i2c: ccb 01: type 00 drive 3f sense 3e share ff auxch ff
[    5.073122] nouveau 0000:00:1e.0: i2c: ccb 02: type 00 drive 51 sense 50 share ff auxch ff

The kernel command-line to enable these traces is: nouveau.debug=trace.

Display Path Summary

An HDMI display is plugged onto the physical connector found on the middle bracket. The corresponding Connector entry has the index 1, shown in the driver’s output as

[    5.232086] nouveau 0000:00:1e.0: DRM: DCB conn 01: 2130

The DCB Device Entry with Index 3, an entry for a digital output port with its Connector Index set to 1, is the relevant DCB Device Entry that points to this Connector entry. Furthermore, it has its EDID Port set to CCB Entry Index 1. The DCB Device Entry is shown in the driver’s output as

[    5.232082] nouveau 0000:00:1e.0: DRM: DCB outp 03: 04011312 00000000

The CCB Entry with Index 1 describes the DDC/I2C bus, displayed by the driver as:

[    5.073002] nouveau 0000:00:1e.0: i2c: ccb 01: type 00 drive 3f sense 3e share ff auxch ff

Thus, one must configure the CRTC indices 0x3e/0x3f in order to drive the I2C bus, and extract the EDID information of the connected display.

Note that the CCB Entry with Index 2 (CRTC indices 0x50/0x51) is not referenced by any output port. The correponding bus might be connected to some other peripheral.

This completes the trace of the display path.

Guest Machine Software Setup:

The supervisor-mode program that runs within the guest VM must drive the I2C bus lines (SDA and SCL) on its own. In contrast, the RPi1B exposes a higher-level abstraction of a FIFO and some control registers, which frees up a program from driving the bus on its own.

The relevant source code, along with some timing parameters, can be found here and here.

The EDID Ports are extended CRTC registers; upon boot, the GPU keeps these registers locked, preventing access and modification. The DDC bus cannot be driven if these registers are locked. The locking/unlocking of these registers can be done by setting the CRTC index register 0x1f to appropriate values. See the function nvkm_lockvgac.

The nouveau driver unlocks the registers before it begins with the device initialization. See the function nvkm_devinit_preinit.

Running the demo:

The driver program can be found here.