QPU Demo: Triangle with NV Shader


This demo presents a method of programming the GPU to display a triangle, with the interpolation of the colours at the pixels covered by it. The graphics concepts used here borrow heavily from those of OpenGL.

The GPU pipeline supports running in non-vertex-shading mode, or the NV mode. In this mode, pre-shaded vertices are presented to the pipeline. That is, the jobs of coordinate and vertex shader are done outside of the pipeline. In this demo, those jobs/calculations are done by hand, to produce the pre-shaded vertices in the format expected by the mode (see the section Shaded Vertex Format in Memory in the specification for the layout of the format).

The calculations are presented as comments within the driver program here.

The Frame Buffer is setup to be of dimensions 640x480, with Colour/Pixel order BGRA8888, also known as 0xaarrggbb, or ARGB32. The Mailbox Property Interface provides information on the steps needed to setup a frame buffer.

The Tile-Binning Control List and the Tile-Rendering Control List must be prepared, the Binner must be run first and then the Renderer. The Binner is run by thread 0 and the Renderer is run by thread 1. The Renderer itself is multi-threaded when it runs the Fragment Shader - it provides support for two threads which are cooperatively scheduled.

See Table 38: Control Record IDs and Data Summary in the spec for details.

Tile-Binning Control List:

Raw bytes:

Byte(s) Value Comment
0x70 0x70 A Tile Binning Mode Configuration Record follows.
0x00,0x15,0x42,0x40 0x40421500 The bus address of the Tile Allocation Buffer. The Primitive Tile Binner (PTB) fills this buffer, for each tile, with the information about the primitives which impact the tile.
0x00,0x00,0x01,0x00 0x10000 The size of the Tile Allocation Buffer. It is kept large enough to avoid having to deal with the Binner Out of Memory interrupt for the modest binning job of this demo.
0x00,0x05,0x42,0x40 0x40420500 The bus address of the Tile State Data Array - a buffer which needs 48 bytes per tile.
0x0a 0xa The width of the render, in units of tiles. The Frame Buffer width is 640pixels, and the width of a tile is 64 pixels, and 640/64 = 10 = 0xa.
0x08 0x8 The height of the render, in units of tiles. The Frame Buffer height is 480pixels, and the height of a tile is 64 pixels, and 480/64 = 7.5. Rounding up to the nearest integer gives 8.
It may seem as if the GPU may go beyond the Frame Buffer boundaries, but other factors such as the ClipWindow and the ViewPort settings help keep the GPU within the bounds and prevent any accesses to the memory area not belonging to the Frame Buffer.
0x04 0x4 Flags.
MultiSample Mode is 0 = off (A later demo enables MSAA 4x).
Tile Buffer 64-bit Colour Depth is 0 = off.
Auto-initialize Tile State Data Array is 1 = on.
Tile Allocation Initial Block Size is 00 = 32.
Tile Allocation Block Size is 00 = 32.
0x06 0x6 Start Tile Binning Control Record.
0x07 0x7 Increment Semaphore Control Record.
It requests the Binner to signal the semaphore, which is a resource shared by the Binner and the Renderer threads, after the Tile Lists have been flushed. This semaphore helps in synchronizing between the Binning and the Rendering passes/phases. The increment signals the Renderer thread (which waits on this semaphore) that the Tile Lists are all written down in the Tile Allocation Buffer, and that the Renderer thread can now fetch those lists and begin the render phase.
0x66 0x66 Clip Window Control Record follows.
0x00,0x00 0x0 Clip Window Left Pixel Coordinate is 0. Note that, for the GPU, the coordinate system has the origin at the bottom left, while the display circuitry assumes the top-left origin coordinate system. This inconsistency requires adjusting the Y-coordinate when performing the ViewPort Transform in order to flip the image along the X-axis.
0x00, 0x00 0x0 Clip Window Bottom Pixel Coordinate is 0.
0x80, 0x02 0x280 Clip Window Width in pixels is 640.
0xe0, 0x01 0x1e0 Clip Window Height in pixels is 480.
0x60 0x60 Configuration Bits Control Record follows.
0x05,0x00,0x00 0x5 Flags.
Enable Forward Facing Primitive is 1 = on
Enable Reverse Facing Primitive is 0 = off.
Clockwise Primitives is 1 = on.
Because of the differences in the coordinate systems, as mentioned before, flipping the primitives across X-axis also changes their orientation. The input provides the primitives in counter-clockwise (CCW) order. Because of the flip, their order turns into clockwise (CW). The GPU defaults to CCW-is-Front policy. The flip requires it to adopt CW-is-Front policy. These flags enable it to do just that.
0x67 0x67 ViewPort Offset Control Record follows.
0x00,0x14 0x1400 ViewPort Centre X Coordinate.
These X, and the Y below, coordinates are in signed 12.4 fixed point format. The Xs and Ys Screen Coordinates, which are calculated by the Coordinate and Vertex Shaders, or which are provided to the NV Mode, are relative to the ViewPort Centre.
The float value is 320.0.
0x00,0x0f 0xf00 ViewPort Centre Y Coordinate.
The float value is 240.0.
0x69 0x69 Clipper XY Scaling Control Record follows.
0x00,0x00,0xa0,0x45 5120.0 ViewPort Half-Width in 1/16th of pixel.
The ViewPort size is the same as the Frame Buffer size. The Width of the Frame Buffer is 640 pixels. The Half-Width in 1/16th of pixel is (640/2) * 16.0f = 5120.0f.
0x00,0x00,0x70,0x45 3840.0 ViewPort Half-Height in 1/16th of pixel.
The ViewPort size is the same as the Frame Buffer size. The Height of the Frame Buffer is 480 pixels. The Half-Height in 1/16th of pixel is (480/2) * 16.0f = 3840.0f.
0x41 0x41 NV Shader State Control Record follows.
0x00,0x14,0x42,0x40 0x40421400 The bus address of the NV Shader State Record.
0x21 0x21 Vertex Array Primitives Control Record follows.
0x04 0x4 Primitive Mode is 4 = Triangles.
0x03,0x00,0x00,0x00 0x3 The number of vertices is 3.
0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00 0x0 The index of the first vertex is 0.
0x04 0x4 Flush Control Record.

NV Shader State Record:

Raw bytes:

Byte(s) Value Comment
0x01 0x1 Flags.
Fragment Shader is Single Threaded is 1 = on.
0x18 0x18 Shaded Vertex Data Stride.
0x00 0x0 Number of Uniforms (not used currently).
0x03 0x3 Number of Varyings is 3, since each vertex provides Red, Green and Blue colour components.
0xf0,0x04,0x41,0x40 0x404104f0 The bus address of the code for the Fragment Shader.
0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00 0x0 The bus address of the Uniforms array. The Fragment Shader of this demo doesn’t need to access Uniforms.
0x68,0x05,0x41,0x40 0x40410568 The bus address of the Shaded Vertex Array.

Tile-Rendering Control List:

Raw bytes:

Byte(s) Value Comment
0x72 0x72 A Clear Colours Control Record follows.
0x00,0xff,0xff,0xff 0xffffff00 (Even Column?) Clear Colour value in ARGB32. 0xffffff00 is Yellow.
0x00,0xff,0xff,0xff 0xffffff00 (Odd Column?) Clear Colour value in ARGB32. 0xffffff00 is Yellow.
0x00,0x00,0x00 0x0 Clear Zs. The value the Depth Buffer is cleared to, initialized with. Irrelevant, as the Depth Buffer isn’t employed in this demo.
0x00 0x0 Clear VG Mask. Irrelevant as this is NV Mode, and not VG mode.
0x00 0x0 Clear Stencil. Irrelevant as Stencil isn’t employed in this demo.
0x71 0x71 A Tile Rendering Mode Configuration Record follows.
0x00,0x00,0xac,0x5e 0x5eac0000 The bus address of the start of the Frame Buffer. The GPU considers the starting scanline of the Frame Buffer as the bottom-most scanline of the render.
0x80,0x02 0x280 Width of the render in pixels is 640.
0xe0,0x01 0x1e0 Height of the render in pixels is 480.
0x04,0x00 0x4 Flags:
MultiSample Mode is 0 = off.
Non-HDR Frame Buffer Colour Format is 01 = RGBA8888. Though the format being set here is RGBA8888, the Frame Buffer actually is configured with BGRA8888. Because both the formats are quite closely related, a slight adjustment to the Fragment Shader when writing the colour works.
0x73 0x73 A Tile Coordinates Control Record follows.
0x00 0x0 Tile Column Number is 0.
0x00 0x0 Tile Row Number is 0.
0x1c 0x0 A Store Tile Buffer General Control Record follows.
0x0 Flags:
Buffer To Store is 000 = None. A None write is required to Clear the Frame Buffer, Depth Buffer, and Stencil Buffer.
0x73 0x73 A Tile Coordinates Control Record follows.
0x00 0x0 Tile Column Number is 0.
0x00 0x0 Tile Row Number is 0.
0x08 0x8 A Wait On Semaphore Control Record.
This control causes the Renderer thread to wait for the Binner thread to signal the flushing of the Tile Lists, before trying to process them. The wait is required only once per frame. Other Tile Control Records that follow this one doesn’t need the wait.
0x11 0x11 A Branch To Sub-List Control Record follows.
0x00,0x15,0x42,0x40 0x40421500 The bus address of the Tile Control List prepared by the Binner.
0x18 0x18 A Store Multisample Resolved Tile Colour Buffer Control Record.
... ... Many such Tile Coordinates + Branch To Sub-List + Store Multisample Resolved Tile Colour Buffer records follow, one for each tile.
0x73 0x73 A Tile Coordinates Control Record follows.
0x09 0x9 Tile Column Number is 9.
0x07 0x7 Tile Row Number is 7.
0x11 0x11 A Branch To Sub-List Control Record follows.
0xe0,0x1e,0x42,0x40 0x40421ee0 The bus address of the Tile Control List prepared by the Binner.
0x19 0x19 A Store Multisample Resolved Tile Colour Buffer and Signal End of Frame Control Record.

QPU Program:

The Fragment Shader follows. It performs the final part of the Varyings Interpolation on the R, G, and B colour components, applies an opaque Alpha component, and stores the resultant colour while also signaling the GPU to unlock the Tile/Frame Buffer so that other QPUs, assigned to run the shader, can access it.

fmul	r0, vary_rd, a15;	# a15 has W.
fadd	r0, r0, r5;

fmul	r1, vary_rd, a15;
fadd	r1, r1, r5;

fmul	r2, vary_rd, a15;
fadd	r2, r2, r5;

li	r3, -, 0xff000000;	# alpha (= 8d)

fmuli	r3, r0, 1f	pm8c;
fmuli	r3, r1, 1f	pm8b;
fmuli	r3, r2, 1f	pm8a;

or	tlb_clr_all, r3, r3	usb;

ori	host_int, 1, 1;

The binary code:

0x203e303e, 0x100049e0, // fmul	r0, vary_rd, a15;
0x019e7140, 0x10020827, // fadd	r0, r0, r5;

0x203e303e, 0x100049e1, // fmul	r1, vary_rd, a15;
0x019e7340, 0x10020867, // fadd	r1, r1, r5;

0x203e303e, 0x100049e2, // fmul	r2, vary_rd, a15;
0x019e7540, 0x100208a7, // fadd	r2, r2, r5;

0xff000000, 0xe00208e7, // li	r3, -, 0xff000000;

0x209e0007, 0xd16049e3, // fmuli	r3, r0, 1f	pm8c;
0x209e000f, 0xd15049e3, // fmuli	r3, r1, 1f	pm8b;
0x209e0017, 0xd14049e3, // fmuli	r3, r2, 1f	pm8a;

0x159e76c0, 0x50020ba7, // or	tlb_clr_all, r3, r3	usb;

0x159c1fc0, 0xd00209a7, // ori	host_int, 1, 1;
0x009e7000, 0x300009e7, // pe;
0x009e7000, 0x100009e7, // ;
0x009e7000, 0x100009e7, // ;

Running the demo:

The driver program can be found here.

There are three interrupts raised. The first is raised when the Tile-Binning is complete, with the Tile Lists flushed into the Tile Allocation Buffer. The second and third are raised because the Fragment Shader requested raising a host interrupt at the end of the program. The third is also raised because of another reason - when the Renderer has written out all the tiles into the Frame Buffer.

The two interrupts - Binning Complete and Rendering Complete - have been enabled within the V3D_INTENA register.

The V3D_DBQITC print shows the QPUs which were tasked with running the Fragment Shader.

v3dirqh: errstat 1000, intctl 6, dbqitc 0
v3dirqh: errstat 1000, intctl 0, dbqitc ffe
v3dirqh: errstat 1000, intctl 1, dbqitc 1
d50: err 0

The Frame Buffer image is here. Notice the jagged appearance of the two sides of the triangle. A later demo attempts to reduce these aliasing artifacts by enabling MSAA 4x.