QPU Demo: DMA Transfers


This demo presents a method of programming the V3D DMA controller to transfer four 16-element vectors of integers back and forth between the system RAM and the VPM.

It is natural for the QPU to work with 16-element vectors. To that end, its registers can accommodate 16 32-bit values (there are indeed a few exceptions, however).

In AMD terminology, a QPU can be said to process a wavefront made up of 16 workitems.


See Section 7: VPM and VCD of the specification, for more details on VPM.

The V3D_IDENT1 register exposes the total size of VPM available on the system. On the RPi1B, the size is 12KB.

The VPM supports both graphics-related accesses and general-purpose accesses, even simultaneously provided that it is large enough (the 3D pipeline needs a minimum of 8KB of VPM).

But, for performing general-purpose accesses specifically, an area of VPM, beginning at its start, must be reserved. The V3D_VPMBASE register allows one to configure the size of that reserved area. The default size configured is 0, for no reservation at all.

For the demo, the reservation is set to 4KB. Treating that reserved area of VPM as a 2D array of 32-bit words, the size corresponds exactly to a dimension of 64 rows, each 16 words wide. The interfaces, through which the VPM is read from and written to, enforce a 2D structure on it. That access mechanism is very similar to accessing double-dimensional arrays in languages like C.

Transfer Methods:

The transfer of data from the system RAM into the VPM is known as the DMA-read of the data - DMA because the external (to the GPU) system RAM is involved, and read because the system RAM is being read from.

The reverse transfer is known as the DMA-write of the data - DMA because, again, the external system RAM is involved, and write because the system RAM is being written to. The direction of a DMA transfer is determined based on the point of view of the system RAM.

DMA-reads can also be referred to as VDR, for Vertex DMA Read; similarly, VDW, or Vertex DMA Write, for DMA-writes.

To perform a DMA-read, a set of VDR registers must be configured:

Similarly, a DMA-write can be performed by setting up a few VDW registers:

Transfer Descriptor Formats:

DMA-read Transfer Descriptor Format:

The vectors are stored vertically within the last column, starting at the word address Y=0,X=15. Each column is 64 words high, so these vectors, which themselves contain a total of 64 words, completely fill it.

The elements of each vector are stored vertically, and the vectors themselves are one on top of the other.

Below is the transfer descriptor, to read four 16-element vectors of 32-bit integers from the system RAM, and to store them into VPM in vertical access mode (See Figure 9: VPM Vertical Access Mode Examples for its layout).

In hexadecimal, the value is 0x8304080f.

 1|   000|   0011|   0000|  0100|   0000|    1| 00000001111|
Field Value Comment
ID 1 The VPMVCD_RD_SETUP can also help read data from VPM into a QPU register. This bit distinguishes between the setup of a RAM-to-VPM read, and that of a VPM-to-QPU read.
MODEW 000 Selects the element width as 32 bits.
MPITCH 0011 Each vector is present in the system RAM side-by-side, consecutively. If each vector is considered as a row, the row-to-row pitch/stride is 64 bytes. The corresponding value to fill here is 3.
ROWLEN 0000 This field provides the size (in units of the width selected within MODEW) of the row to access. The row-length can be smaller than the stride/MPITCH to accommodate reading only the first few needed words of the row, and skipping the rest, before moving on to the next row. The value 0 represents a length of 16 words, each of a size as programmed in MODEW, 32-bit here.
NROWS 0100 The number of rows of data in system RAM. Four in this case.
VPITCH 0000 Similar to MPITCH, this field helps the DMA controller move to the next row inside the VPM to begin storing into it the next row. This value is added to the Y coordinate of the address. Since this demo accesses the VPM in a vertical mode, the appropriate increment is 16. Correspondingly, the value programmed is 0.
VERT 1 The access mode. One can visualize the layout of the storage as
vpm[0][15] = vec[0][0];
vpm[1][15] = vec[0][1];
vpm[2][15] = vec[0][2];

vpm[63][15] = vec[3][15];
Each VPM location here is accessed as vpm[Y=#][X=#].
ADDRXY 00000001111 The start address, to being writing into the VPM at, is Y=0,X=15. The Figure 9 in the specification shows that this address corresponds to the rightmost column.

DMA-write Transfer Descriptor Format:

Although it is possible to DMA-read multiple 16-element vectors and store them vertically with a single configuration of VPMVCD_RD_SETUP, it is not possible to DMA-write multiple, 16-element, vertically-arranged vectors with a single configuration of VPMVCD_WR_SETUP.

If such a DMA-write is attempted, say for exporting four vertically-stored vectors at Y=0,X=15, Y=16,X=15, Y=32,X=15, and Y=48,X=15, the DMA engine writes vectors residing at Y=0,X=15, Y=16,X=0, Y=16,X=1, and Y=16,X=2 instead. That is, the DMA engine moves horizontally to the right, vector after vector, and down-to-up if the X coordinate overflows.

Because of this problem, the VPMVCD_WR_SETUP must be separately configured for transferring each individual vector. The only changes that must be made in each successive transfer descriptor are the increment of the Y coordinate of the address to read the vector from, and the increment of the output address.

Below is the transfer descriptor for transferring the first vector. In hexadecimal, the value is 0x80900078.

|10 |0000001 |0010000 |0     |0     |00000001111 |000
Field Value Comment
ID 10 Similar to VPMVCD_RD_SETUP. The bit distinguishes between the setup of a VPM-to-RAM write, and that of a QPU-to-VPM write.
UNITS 0000001 Similar to NROWS from VPMVCD_RD_SETUP.
DEPTH 0010000 Similar to ROWLEN from VPMVCD_RD_SETUP. The value is in the units of the width selected in the MODEW field below.
LANED 0 Must be 0.
HORIZ 0 Since each vector lies vertically, the DMA controller must be told about the vertical orientation.
VPMBASE 00000001111 Similar to ADDRXY from VPMVCD_RD_SETUP. The start address inside the VPM where the vectors reside; Y=0,X=15.
MODEW 000 Selects the element width as 32-bit.

After each vector is transferred, the Y coordinate must be incremented by 16. This amounts to adding 0x800 after every transfer. The vectors are to be stored into the output buffer in consecutive addresses; that requires incrementing the output address by 16 * 4 = 64.


The addresses of the input and output buffers are passed to the QPU program through a facility known as the uniforms. It is usually utilized to pass such global pieces of information to the QPU; it is a read-only facility from the perspective of the QPU.

The two buffer addresses are stored inside an array, and the address and the size of the array are written into V3D_SRQUA and V3D_SRQUL registers, respectively.

The QPU program reads the a32/b32 register, also named UNIFORM_READ,to gain access to the buffer addresses.

QPU Program:

li	vdr_setup, -, 0x8304080f;
ori	vdr_addr, uni_rd, 0;
or	-, vdr_wait, r0;

# r0 has the setup descriptor.
# r1 has the output address.
# r2 is the counter

li	r0, -, 0x80900078;
ori	r1, uni_rd, 0;
li	r2, -, 0;

subi	r3, r2, 4	sf;
b.z	done;	# There's 3-instruction delay slot for a branch.
;;;		# 3 NOPs to fill the slot.
or	vdw_setup, r0, r0;
or	vdw_addr, r1, r1;
or	-, vdw_wait, r0;

li	r3, -, 0x800;
add	r0, r0, r3;	# Add 16 to Y coordinate: bits [13:7].
b	loop;	# The following 3 instructions are executed as part of the branch
		# delay slot.
li	r3, -, 0x40;
add	r1, r1, r3;	# Add 64 to the output address.
addi	r2, r2, 1;	# Increment the counter.

ori	host_int, 1, 1;

The binary code.

0x8304080f, 0xe0020c67, // li	vdr_setup, -, 0x8304080f;
0x15800dc0, 0xd0020ca7, // ori	vdr_addr, uni_rd, 0;
0x15ca7c00, 0x100209e7, // or	-, vdr_wait, r0;

0x80900078, 0xe0020827, // li	r0, -, 0x80900078;
0x15800dc0, 0xd0020867, // ori	r1, uni_rd, 0;
0x00000000, 0xe00208a7, // li	r2, -, 0;

0x0d9c45c0, 0xd00228e7, // loop: subi	r3, r2, 4	sf;
0x00000048, 0xf02809e7, // b.z	done;
0x009e7000, 0x100009e7, // ;
0x009e7000, 0x100009e7, // ;
0x009e7000, 0x100009e7, // ;
0x159e7000, 0x10021c67, // or	vdw_setup, r0, r0;
0x159e7240, 0x10021ca7, // or	vdw_addr, r1, r1;
0x159f2e00, 0x100209e7, // or	-, vdw_wait, r0;

0x00000800, 0xe00208e7, // li	r3, -, 0x800;
0x0c9e70c0, 0x10020827, // add	r0, r0, r3;
0xffffff90, 0xf0f809e7, // b	loop;
0x00000040, 0xe00208e7, // li	r3, -, 0x40;
0x0c9e72c0, 0x10020867, // add	r1, r1, r3;
0x0c9c15c0, 0xd00208a7, // addi	r2, r2, 1;

0x159c1fc0, 0xd00209a7, // done: ori	host_int, 1, 1;
0x009e7000, 0x300009e7, // pe;
0x009e7000, 0x100009e7, // ;
0x009e7000, 0x100009e7, // ;

Running the demo:

The driver program can be found here.

A portion of a sample output:

v3dirqh: intctl 4, dbqitc 800

d2: [0]: e64fec73, e64fec73
d2: [1]: 7e04e730, 7e04e730
d2: [2]: 25a73fa9, 25a73fa9
. . .
d2: [f]: 8636e692, 8636e692

d2: [10]: 468cd863, 468cd863
d2: [11]: 73787c60, 73787c60
d2: [12]: 72726519, 72726519
. . .
d2: [1f]: 2421842, 2421842

d2: [20]: 9e94a053, 9e94a053
d2: [21]: e153bd90, e153bd90
d2: [22]: a1c9c689, a1c9c689
. . .
d2: [2f]: 41515f2, 41515f2

d2: [30]: 94d64443, 94d64443
d2: [31]: 76d9aac0, 76d9aac0
d2: [32]: bd3463f9, bd3463f9
. . .
d2: [3f]: e33adfa2, e33adfa2